WiseChip Activity of Agriculture..


Dear WiseChip Partners,

WiseChip Semiconductor Inc., (WSI), is a leading PM OLED manufacturer for the display solution. Today, WiseChip (WSI) would like to express our appreciation to your support and effort that makes us to achieve a steady and continuous growth in the first two quarters this year.
WiseChip is the leading provider for PM OLED. We dedicated ourselves to designing, developing and mass production of advanced PM OLED technology. WiseChip is committed to cost-effective solutions for PM OLED, its wide range of applications cover from communication, consumer electronics, industrial, automotive, medical instruments and others. Our distribution network covers nearly 50 countries around the world. With the promising potential in emerging markets, WiseChip collaborates with our local partner closely to expend the market share. We work restlessly to cultivate these areas and hope our business scope will go up to next level with the fast growing local economy. The flourishing economy of emerging market provides us a new direction for business potential. We collaborate seamlessly with our local partners to expend the market share and increase the visibility of WiseChip brand image. WiseChip is well known as a leading PM OLED solutions provider. We are excited to offer the most cutting edge products and innovative solutions to our customers. It’s our pleasure that we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners around the world for your continuous support to us.

For more information, please contact us by e-mail here.
Email: MKT@wisechip.com.tw

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